
As soon as the soil can be worked, plant seed 1/4" deep, 2-3" apart in rows 1-1/2' apart. Allow 1-2 weeks for germination. Seedlings should be thinned to about 4-6" apart. Best grown in early spring or fall. For fall crop, plant 60 days before the first hard frost which improves the flavor. Suggested for winter storage.
  • #V04005
    1,000 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
    1 ounce - $4.95 - In Stock
    57 Days America's most well-known turnip. Fast growing, producing uniform globe-shaped roots that are purple above...
  • #V04015
    500 seeds - $4.15 - In Stock
    1/2 Ounce - $14.95 - In Stock
    35 Days 1969 AAS Winner. Early, disease resistant and uniform, high-quality bulbs. Smooth, white, semi-globe...