Also known as sugar peas, these edible-podded peas are best when picked before seeds start to develop inside the pod. At this stage they're virtually stringless with few fibers. When ripe, they have a tender texture and the sweetness of fresh green peas. Plant enough for fresh table uses as well as freezing.
#V02876150 seeds - $4.35 - In Stock
55-60 Days Dwarf-size plants perform well in containers or gardens where space is limited. Gorgeous purple...Buy Now Details -
#V02875150 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
750 seeds - $7.55 - In Stock
75 Days Heirloom variety with a distinctive, meltingly sweet taste. Hardy and vigorous plants grow over 5' tall and...Buy Now Details -
#V02880150 seeds - $3.55 - In Stock
750 seeds - $7.15 - In Stock
64 Days Succulent, tender snow pea - perfect for Asian cuisine. Widely adapted, vigorous, ever-bearing and...Buy Now Details