
As soon as soil can be worked, plant thinly 1/2" deep, in rows 12" apart. Allow 6 days for germination. Thin to 4" apart. Does best in cool weather. Plant every 2 weeks for a continuous supply.

Fall Radishes: Sow seeds in mid-summer for fall and winter use. Plant thinly 1/2" deep, in rows 12" apart. Allow 6 days for germination. Thin to 4" apart. After harvesting, store in moist sand in cellar or cool location.
  • #V03330
    100 seeds - $5.55 - In Stock
    63 Days Widely adapted Daikon for early spring sowing. Long, smooth, tapered white roots can grow up to 15" long...
  • #V03315
    500 seeds - $3.45 - In Stock
    1 Oz - $5.95 - In Stock
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    23 Days 1949 AAS Winner. All-time favorite home garden variety. Early, attractive, smooth, round, 3/4" brilliant...
  • #V03347
    250 Seeds - $4.75 - In Stock
    23-25 Day. Radish. Enjoy radishes longer with this variety. Incredible holding ability in the garden allowed us to...
  • #V03350
    500 seeds - $3.95 - In Stock
    15' Seed Tape - $4.95 - In Stock
    23 Days Widely grown variety introduced prior to 1879. Attractive 2-3" cylindrical roots are rosy-scarlet with a...
  • #V03365
    250 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
    1/2 Ounce - $6.75 - In Stock
    15' Seed Tape - $4.95 - Out of Stock
    29 Days Monster radishes grow as large as baseballs! Remains sweet and crisp and resists cracking no matter how...
  • #V03384
    * 250 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    Among the first vegetables enjoyed by gardeners, this mix signals spring! The brilliant red, purple, bicolor, yellow...
  • #V03379
    * 250 Seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
  • #V03385
    250 seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
    1 ounce - $14.95 - Out of Stock
    28 Days A hybrid radish that can be grown any time of the year. Most radishes should be grown in the cooler part of...