Container Gardening

  • #53840
    $20.95 - In Stock
    The black, long lasting, porous material offers many benefits for container gardening. Keeps roots cooler by...
  • #V01052
    200 seeds - $4.75 - In Stock
    50 Days 2014 AAS Winner. The bushy, compact, upright habit makes this bean ideal for growing in containers...
  • #V02032
    15 seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
    Parthenocarpic. Slicer. This controlled yet vigorous variety does well in large containers with a trellis....
  • #V02277
    25 seeds - $6.95 - In Stock
    55 Days The petite habit of this eggplant keeps it at 18-24" and is perfect for containers with or without support....
  • #V02543
    10 pellets - $4.45 - Out of Stock
    Lettuce doesn't have to be boring, grow a variety of flavors and textures with this multi-pellet plend. A range of...
  • #V02892
    150 seeds - $4.95 - Out of Stock
    Enjoy the first fruits of spring with this quick maturing variety. The dwarf plants can reach up to 24" depending...
  • #V03216
    10 seeds - $4.75 - In Stock
    The compact, 12-24" plants bear heavy yields of 2x5", blunt-ended peppers. Maturing from green to red (70 day), the...
  • #V03067
    10 Seeds - $4.95 - Out of Stock
    45 Day (Green) - 60 Day (Red). Hot. A perfect pick of peppers! The 15" cascading plant habit is attractive in hanging...
  • #53841
    $18.95 - In Stock
    The black, long lasting, porous material offers many benefits for container gardening. Keeps roots cooler by...
  • #V00441
    15 seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
    Harvest enough of these romas at one time to make a batch of salsa. The 2-2 1/2 ounce, red, tasty fruits ripen over...