Indeterminate Tomato Plants

  • #V00029
    30 seeds - $3.75 - Out of Stock
    * 6 to 8" Plant - $8.50 - In Stock
    74 Days Old Amish heirloom dating back to the early 1900's. Ranks as one of the best-tasting paste tomatoes....
  • #V00075
    30 seeds - $5.85 - In Stock
    * 6 to 8" Plant - $8.50 - In Stock
    * Grafted Plant - $12.95 - In Stock
    73 Days 1994 AAS Winner. Early and heavy yields of colossal-sized tomatoes with old-time flavor. Vigorous...
  • #V00112
    30 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
    * Grafted plant - $12.95 - In Stock
    90 Days Legendary heirloom dating back to the 1800's. Considered by many to be the best tasting of all tomatoes....
  • #00188
    * Grafted Plant - $12.95 - Out of Stock
    80 Days An old-timer bound to become one of your main crop varieties. Prolific yielder of 10 to 16 ounce fruits...
  • #00131
    * Grafted Plant - $12.95 - In Stock
    77 Days A very flavorful, large red tomato that is an excellent slicer. Produces a smooth, meaty slice with small...
  • #V00240
    30 seeds - $6.85 - In Stock
    * 6 to 8" Plant - $8.50 - In Stock
    57 Days Earliest tomato for slicing and it's hard to find a better flavor. Fruits are 4-6 ounces, slightly...
  • #V00481
    * 30 seeds - $3.45 - Out of Stock
    * Grafted Plant - $12.95 - In Stock
    * 2 1/4" pots - $8.50 - In Stock
    85 Days The story of this tomato starts in the 30's when the owner of a radiator shop was facing bankruptcy. Even...
  • #V00711
    20 seeds - $5.55 - In Stock
    * 6 to 8" Plant - $8.50 - In Stock
    (VFFA ToMV) Cherry. 62 Days A newer, sweeter version of Sungold! Golden fruits are filled with Vitamin A and...
  • #V00747
    30 Seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
    * 6 to 8" Plant - $8.50 - In Stock
    60 Days The tomato that seems to supply an endless quantity of 1 inch size sugary sweet tomatoes that are great in...