Growing Zones 4 to 9
Page Number 54
Planting Season Spring/Fall
Fragrant n
Edible Parts Fruit
Height 2 ft to 3 ft
Common Name Raspberry, Raspberry Shortcake®

Raspberry, Raspberry Shortcake®


Buy 3 or more for $17.95 each
Zones 4-9. PP 22414. Same traditional flavor on an untraditional plant. Thornless, compact canes grow 2-3' tall and begin bearing sweet, delicious berries in midsummer on both new and old canes. Excellent for pots and patios, and offers everyone the opportunity to grow tasty raspberries that are uniquely delicious. Like all raspberries, plants will spread if planted in the ground. Self-pollinating.

Growing Zone: 4 to 9

Own Root

Height: 2 ft to 3 ft

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 4 to 9
Page Number 54
Planting Season Spring/Fall
Fragrant n
Edible Parts Fruit
Height 2 ft to 3 ft
Common Name Raspberry, Raspberry Shortcake®