Growing Zones 4 to 8
Page Number 53
Planting Season Spring/Fall
Fertilizer Type 10-52-17
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant n
Edible Parts Fruit
Height 12 in to 1.25 ft
Foliage Color Green
Fruit Color Red
Spacing 1.25 ft to 1.5 ft
Bareroot y
Deciduous y
Disease Resistant y
Genus Fragaria
Species x ananassa
Subspecies Albion
Common Name Strawberry, Everbearing, Albion

Strawberry, Everbearing, Albion


Buy 2 or more for $20.50 each
Buy 4 or more for $17.50 each
Buy 10 or more for $13.00 each
(P.P.16228) Day-Neutral. Albion is known for its high yields of large to very large and very sweet fruit. Beautifully formed berries are long, mostly conical, very firm and red throughout. Upright growing plants make them suitable for growing in the garden or hanging baskets. Resistant to Verticuillium Wilt, Phytophthora Crown Rot and has some resistance to Anthroacnose Crown Rot. Enjoy strawberries from June to September.
Zones 4-8. Sold in packages of 25.

Growing Zone: 4 to 8

Light Requirements: Full Sun

Own Root

Height: 12 in to 1.25 ft

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 4 to 8
Page Number 53
Planting Season Spring/Fall
Fertilizer Type 10-52-17
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant n
Edible Parts Fruit
Height 12 in to 1.25 ft
Foliage Color Green
Fruit Color Red
Spacing 1.25 ft to 1.5 ft
Bareroot y
Deciduous y
Disease Resistant y
Genus Fragaria
Species x ananassa
Subspecies Albion
Common Name Strawberry, Everbearing, Albion